
रविवार, 20 नवंबर 2016

Mantra -- explained

On Mantra and Beejas, if you are really interested, I would recommend the following books:
१. मंत्रशास्त्र श्रीमत् शंकराचार्य श्री योगेश्वरानंद (खरेशास्त्री) संपादक श्री गो.प्र.भावे
२. Tantras parts 1&2 by Sir John Woodroffe Aka Arthur Avalon
3. Garland of Letters by Sir John Woodroffe Aka Arthur Avalon
4. Shakti and Shalt by ibid
5. The Serpent Power by ibid
There are many Tantra and Yamal Granthas on the subject.
Mantra is the sound body of consciousness. The spiritual efficacy of OM is heard, not by the ears but by the heart .  It surcharges the innermost being of man with vibrations of the highest reality.  
The frequency of OM is 7.83 Hz , which in inaudible to the ear, as the human ear  cannot discern sounds of frequency less than 20 hertz.  We can hear only the harmonics. 
Ohm- 7.83 Hz 
Gam - 14 Hz 
Hleem - 20 Hz 
Hreem - 26 Hz 
Kleem - 33 Hz 
Krowm - 39 Hz Sreem - 45 Hz  

Sound vibrations are intimately connected to our "prana" or "life energy".  Quantum Physics has seconded our Vedas and proved that our "universe" is being projected through thought-sound frequencies based on our perception. 
In between the white invader injected poison into our beej mantras using  Raja Ram Mohan Roy -  wanna see an example? 
1. Brahman : rhim 2. Kshatriya : shrim 3. Vaishya : klim 4. Shudra : aim Two or more beejas are sometimes combined. This results in greater diversity, in the energy of the mantra . 
Example: rheem shreem, kreem  is a conjoined bijamantra.    All the three bijas are various forms of the same energy - rheem = the Great Illusion (Maya),  shreem = Lakshmi and kreem = Kali.   Thus these 3 beejas represent creation, sustenance and destruction respectively. 
Energy of beej mantra frequency activates requisite chakras and channelizes nadis. The modern world has woken up to the potential of using  the power of longitudinal wave sound vibration . 
Our ancient maharishis  used sound in its gross and subtle states to penetrate the planes of human consciousness and to reach brahmAn.  
As I said, beej mantras are seed mantra.  Each deity has a specific beej mantra.  At the first instance it stops the chatter of mind. Conscious repetition will morph into unconscious repetition.  
Beej mantras for Ganesh, Vishnu, Lakshmi and Saraswathi can be practiced by any one.    But for Devi sadhanas ( shakti ) where every syllable matters, caution needs to be exercised.  For example wrong utterance of Kali mantra can have adverse effects. 
Bijamantras of the five cosmic elements (panchamahabhutas) 1. Prithvi (absolute earth) : lam 2. Apa (absolute water) : vam 3. Tej (absolute fire) : ram 4. Vayu (absolute air) : yam 5. Akash (absolute ether) : ham, kham 
The entire human brain is mapped with these Beej mantras.  Almost every Tantric chant is based on Beej Mantras.   
No guru ever took favours by selling a mantra, as it was against his DHARMA -it was handed over to deserving disciples , who would offer  simple guru dakshina like flowers or fruits or simple labour as seva. 
Beej mantras, which are one-syllabled typically ending in anusvara (a simple nasal sound). These are derived from the name of deity; for example, deity Durga yields dum and deity Ganesha yields gam. 
The beej mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify and balance the mind and body. 
When you speak the bija mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra.--as mentioned in the  Jabala Darsana Upanishad in 5000 BC. 
Maha ganapati mool Mantra - "Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Klowm Gam Ganapathaye Maha ganapati mool Mantra - "Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Klowm Gam Ganapathaye Vara Varatha Sarvajanamay Vashamaanaya Swaha" 
Beej mantras are prefixed and appended to other mantras , creating complex mantras.  In tantra, these mantras have supernatural powers, and they are transmitted by a guru to a disciple as an initiation ritual. 
Mantras are Scalar energy based sounds which resonate in the Zero Point Field Aakashik hyperspace. Mantras reprogramme your DNA. The human DNA can produce longitudinal scalar waves . 
Mantra is a carrier wave with potent information within it.  Mantras vibrations on DNA , chakras and pineal gland purifies and raises human consciousness. Mantras have immediate soothing effect makes the brain produce and release magic healing chemicals. Errant and disturbing thought are killed! 
DNA is like the master tuning fork in the body. It would strike a particular frequency and certain other molecules would follow-- the waves are LONGITUDINAL -- rather field like-- Emotions like anger and fear can "compress" DNA,  However, emotions like joy, gratitude and love unwind the the DNA, decompress it! 
A simple emotion like FEAR can cause terrible damage to your body and mind. It will cause migraines You have a choice of consuming an over the counter tablet like paracetamol or uttering a mantra with intention. 
The mantra heals you.  
The chemical drugs ravages your liver-among many other things.  
Every cell of your body contains the creative power of the universe. Every DNA has its own melody, as energy and matter is musical in nature. . 
The human body is mainly water. Molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. Our DNA program can be "rewritten" as an acoustic genetic code.  Today our DNA is 97%  junk DNA . We can reverse this. 
Quantum Beej mantras understands that our reality is a vibratory reality - from sub nuclear level to atomic, molecular, and macro levels.  
Every thing oscillates  between two states of rest we Hindus call SPANDA.  Everything produces a longitudinal vibration, --  a "sound of music ". 
Vibrations of mantras  reach the subconscious level where our karmic patterns are stored. The practice of mantra increases concentration, memory, purifies our heart and helps erase the effects of past karma. Proper recitation of mantras and chants helps invoke the latent power within us . A mantra holds  mystical energy encased in a sound carrier structure.  Every mantra contains within its vibration a certain power.   Upon concentration and repetition of a given mantra, its energy is liberated and takes form. 
Beej (Seed) mantras act directly on the nerves of astral body.  The other type of mantras, having a combination of words, and having some meaning  set up powerful vibrations in the body. 
When chanting a Mantra, it is extremely important not to change the raga and its key, because the rate of vibration on which the sound is based on integral part of the Mantra. 
There are several Chandas. The seven main ones are: 
Gayatri: 3 padas of 8 syllables containing 24 syllables in each stanza. Ushnuk : 4 padas of 7 syllables containing 28 syllables in each stanza. Anustubh: 4 padas of 8 syllables containing 32 syllables in each stanza. This is the typical shloka of classical Sanskrit poetry Brihati : 4 padas (8 + 8 + 12 + 8) containing 36 syllables in each stanza. Pankti : 4 padas (sometimes 5 padas) containing 40 syllables in each stanza. Tristubh: 4 padas of 11 syllables containing 44 syllabes in each stanza Jagati: 4 padas of 12 syllables containing 48 syllables in each stanza 
The mantra has got a Beeja or seed. The seed is a significant word, or series of words, which gives a special power to the Mantra. The Beeja is the essence of the Mantra. This represents the sound string defined by the Seers as being the repository of auditory energy sources. 
The Beeja gives the mantra in which it is used, its special power of self-generation and effects. Just as within a seed is hidden within tree, so too, the energy of the mantra is resident in the seed on which it is based. This helps the mantra to manifest itself into spiritual consciousness. 
Sun (Surya) Om hram hreem hraum sah suryaya namah 
Moon (Chandra) Om shram shreem shraum sah chandraya namah 
Mars (Mangal) Om kram kreem kraum sah bhaumaya namah 
Mercury (Budh) Om bram breem braum sah budhaya namah 
Jupiter (Guru) Om gram greem graum sah gurave namah 
Venus (Shukra) Om dram dreem draum sah shukraya namah 
Saturn (Shani) Om pram preem praum sah shanaicharaya namah 
Rahu Om bhram bhreem bhraum sah rahave namah 
Ketu Om shram shreem shraum sah ketave namah. 
Sound frequencies have been used to stimulate new cellular growth, resolve tumors, dissolve calcium deposits, stimulate new neurological development, deliver nourishment, detoxify, resolve paralysis, remove plaque and tooth decay, act as a carrier frequency to deliver higher forms of knowledge and information, even scan and harvest information.  
Sonocytology is the study of cell sounds. Where there is vibration, there is sound and vice versa.  Modern science has slowly begun to realize the benefits of sound mantras used in Ayurveda fore body cell rejuvenation. 
While literally everything is vibrating, different things vibrate at different rates or frequencies. Some frequencies are perceived as light, some as sound, some as color, and some as solid matter. The rate at which something vibrates determines how dense it is and what we perceive it to be.  
The human ear can discern only a very narrow band between 20 Hz to 20000 Hz.  The rest is inaudible. This is why NO cosmic sound can be heard by the human ear.  
These cosmic sounds were heard by  maharishis in their spiritual trances which broadened their sense spectrums.  However our brain can register the vibrations. 
Diviners use OM resonance to find water in arid areas. 
The mantric power of Om emanates not only from its sound vibrations, but also from the inner attitude of the speaker-- his spiritual purity and his freedom from worldliness. The earth vibrates at 7.83 Hz and so does OM. When you blow a conch your body must be erect, as per the spirit level in the inner ear cochlea, to balance right and left brain lobes. 
The spiral in the inner ear also follows the Fibonacci series. Scalar waves and sound waves are LONGITUDINAL.  Rest are all transverse. Spirals which follow the Golden mean and Fibonacci series can create scalar waves.  Which means a conch can create scalar waves. 
The sound of the sea when you listen to the conch held to your ear is the sound of the Zero Point Field or Scalar Field or Brahman or OM.   In Hindu temples before and after a puja or arti the shank is blown.  Lord Shiva is also known as Shankara. 
Dead cells emitted a low rumbling like radio static. Distinguishing between the sound signatures of healthy and diseased cells WILL be a part of the medicine of the future. 
In the sixth fetal month, life inside the womb is full of sounds that the ear is capable of hearing. The uterus resounds with the sounds of the heart beating (approximately 50-60 beats per minute) and the blood swooshing through the arteries, the wavelike cadence of the breath (approximately 1,215 cycles per minute), and the external sounds and voices muted by the amniotic fluid. 
Before we are even born, we are attuned to the rhythms and sounds around us. 
As per our 7000 year old Vedas sound creates, organizes and forms all the basic fundamental shapes found throughout the known universe. 
Sound operates through the law of Resonance. Resonance eliminates the limitations of the "sender and receiver dynamic."    Resonance is where two become one, where minds join. 
Resonance is, in itself, a state of awareness and experiential knowing far beyond concept and mental, cognitive thinking. On the vibration field-form-body-time level, resonance is the experiential state of Oneness. 
Sound has the ability to affect whatever forms it comes into contact with by exposing that form to a different rate of frequency vibration. 
Sound has the ability to bring this place back into Oneness by changing its rate of vibration through sympathetic vibration - Resonance.   Depending on the frequencies being used, sound vibratory resonance can facilitate accessing a state of understanding and knowing without the need for limits, fears and defenses. 
Sound waves can travel below the order of mental cognitive defense structures and deliver a deeper experiential state of harmony. Resonance is not a mental idea. It is a visceral knowing-feeling state beyond question. We call this Sound Frequency Healing.  
For any healing to be complete, it needs to take place at all levels - the body, the mind and the spirit. The smallest particles known to man are vibrations.  Thoughts are vibrations.  Words are vibrations.  Sounds are vibrations.  Light is a vibration.  Our planet is a vibration. 
Our entire universe and everything within it (seen and unseen) is a vibrating mass of atoms and subatomic particles. If the hydrogen bonding angles of one molecule are altered, those in the other molecules might be expected to follow suit (as in a domino effect). 
When a mantra is chanted , it vibrates the brain matter and connects new neural circuits. This effect comes after repeating the mantra for a long period of time and bringing in the resonance effect in the brain.  For this the seers developed various methods.   
How much a mantra is to be chanted and how it is to be chanted etc.  were all given in the Mantra Shastra (Scripture of Mantras).   

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