
शुक्रवार, 26 मार्च 2010

Objectives of Kaushalam Trust

Registered on 2.4.08 by No E-5134 at the office of Charity Commissioner Pune.
5) The predominant objects for which the Trust is established are as under:-
(i) To Preserve and study the subject of Sanskrit,
(ii) To felicitate Experts and those who have preserved the knowledge of Sanskrit in various ways.
(iii) To propagate learning, teaching and use of Sanskrit.
(iv) To associate with modern tools and techniques and take Sanskrit forward.
(v) To consolidate this vast treasure of Sanskrit from its scattered sources.
(vi) To authenticate by testing some premises found in old grantha on Ayurved, mathematics, science, astronomy, geography, social sciences etc.
(vii) To bring out areas where the premises can be applied in modern science and societal functions,
(viii) To establish, conduct, endow, maintain, control, and manage schools, educational institutes, laboratories, academic centers etc. or to collaborate with them for promoting Sanskrit,
(ix) To apply, establish deemed Universities and manage courses, institutes, colleges and other units relating to Sanskrit,
(x) To provide for training in courses leading to certificate/ diploma / degree / doctorate etc. in Sanskrit and related subjects,
(xi) To award Diploma / Degree certificates and other distinctions to candidates trained in the courses organised by the trust,
(xii) To assist, institute and carry out research into technique and methods conductive to improvement of Sanskrit,
(xiii) To hold or join any other Individual/s, Association, Organization or Society having aims and objects similar to the objects of the Trust.
(xiv) To start, establish, conduct, maintain and manage Libraries, reading rooms etc. and thereby make available data in Sanskrit,
(xv) To award scholarships, stipends, fiscal aid and other concessions to deserving students of Sanskrit,
(xvi) For any of the purposes aforesaid to procure the assistance of qualified instructors, teachers, professors, artists and lay workers either voluntary or otherwise.
(xvii) To start and conduct magazines, periodicals and newspapers and issue pamphlets, bulletins etc., video and audio aids, start T.V. serials etc. to carry on the propaganda of Sanskrit,
(xviii) To hold lectures or any other programmes on the subject of Sanskrit,
(xix) To give or arrange concerts, recitals, competitions, drama, films, T.V. Serials, lectures and such other entertainments and functions as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Trust,
(xx) To make surveys in the urban and rural areas including Tribal areas to ascertain and study possibility of developing the subject of Sanskrit,
(xxi) To organize, hold, arrange and promote Conferences, Seminars, Symposia, Study groups, Camps, etc on various arts subject and to invite for such assemblies, concerned experts and students from all over the country as well as from abroad and reciprocally to depute such experts and students from India for similar assemblies in foreign countries.
(xxii) To envisage a plan under which Consultancy and Execution of Projects can be brought within the financial means and reach of the common man, more particularly of those of the middle and lower strata of the Society.
(xxiii) To provide education of Sanskrit through Satellite.
(xxiv) To provide education of Sanskrit in braille, so as to benefit the blind people,
(xxv) To do all such other lawful acts, deeds or things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objects.